ZHANG Chengyue




ZHANG Cheng Yue


Mixed media        

160 × 45 × 40 cm

This is a work consisting of seven small electronic screens and a glass screen for projection imaging. The artist uses geometric shapes as a medium to present what she sees as the geometry of everyday life. In this work we can see a shift from two-dimensional to faux three-dimensional, thus reflecting the evolution of current social phenomena.

In each of the two-dimensional animations, everyday scenes are shown, such as the alternation of day and night, crowded lifts and geometric shapes representing different personalities. This reveals a vivid geometric world. Subsequently, from the world of geometric planes, it moves on to the next abstract faux three-dimensional generated image, and through the imaging of the glass screen, an unknown future is revealed.



Keno Zhang was born in China, and has studied graphic design and visual communication in the UK and France. She is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University. Influenced by abstract art and graphic design, she has a deep fascination with geometric shapes and repetitive patterns. In particular, she has been inspired by Kandinsky whose works feature structure of points, lines, and planes, and exhibit a sense of melody that she finds rich and engaging. This inspiration led her to realize that our world is also made up of various geometric shapes, and she began exploring the relationship between geometry and the real world, attempting to recreate it with geometric shapes.

張成悅出生於中國,曾在英國和法國學習平面設計和視覺傳達,她目前在香港浸會大學攻讀視覺藝術文學碩士。 受抽象藝術和平面設計的影響,她對幾何形狀和重複的圖案有着深深的迷戀。尤其是受到康定斯基的啟發,康定斯基的作品中所呈現出的點、線、面結構,以及它們所表現出的旋律感,都讓她感受到幾何世界的豐富性。張成悅意識到我們的世界也是由各種幾何形狀組成的,於是開始研究幾何與現實世界之間的關係,並試圖用幾何形狀來重現它。