YE Wanyi


Snake Hat Elephant  

蛇 帽 象  


Snake Hat Elephant        
蛇 帽 象    

Mixed media        

180 × 200 × 150 cm

This is a new material art book fair. The book fair used a famous image from "Le Petit Prince'' as its name, because the theme of this book fair is the relationship of content and formation (or its shape, material, media e.g.). Can we get inspiration for content creation from the inherent characteristics of form?


Elen Ye prefers to be identified as a designer rather than an artist, with a focus on typography and printing in her research endeavors. In her view, design is a practical discipline, with the role of visual design being to better articulate ideas. Her passion is to create meaningful experiences that connect people on a deeper level. In pursuit of this goal, her practice mainly focuses on two aspects: first,  a commitment to mastering universal visual standards, such as human visual laws and conventional rules; and second, a quest to transcend the existing limitations of audio-visual media and discover alternative means of conveying information. Elen’s interest in social science provides her with a deeper understanding of human behavior, which she incorporates into her designs. Consequently, she strives to create works that express her reflections and experiences throughout her social science studies.

葉宛儀更願意被視為設計師,而非藝術家。其研究方向主要集中在排版和印刷。 她認為設計是一門實踐性很強的學科,視覺設計的作用在於更好地闡述意念。她熱衷於創造有意義的體驗,與人們在更深層次上建立聯繫。她的實踐主要涵蓋兩個主要方面:首先,學習更普遍的視覺標準,如視覺規律和常規規則;其次,是追求超越現有視聽媒體的限制,並發掘傳遞信息的替代方式。另外,葉宛儀對社會科學的興趣使她對人類行為有更深入的了解,並將這些知識融入她的設計中。因此,她努力創作來表達她在社會科學研究過程中的思考和體會。