LOK Chun Ying


The Secret Garden Project  


LOK Chun Ying

The Secret Garden Project        

Interactive installation        

Size variable

In the spirit of Frances Hodgson Burnett's eponymous children's literature, The Secret Garden Project intertwines a journey of healing through participatory and collaborative art. This is an immersive installation that captures the essence of 55 participants who wove their stories into delicate clay flowers before the exhibition. Visitors are invited to join this serene communion at the side table, where they can encounter their creative spirit and allow the soothing act of molding clay to mend their hearts. As the shared experiences of healing grow, so does the garden blossom.

受法蘭西絲.霍森.柏納特同名經典兒童文學作品所呈現的治癒理念啟發,《秘密花園計劃》通過參與和協作編織了一趟治癒的旅程。 這項沉浸式裝置藝術記錄了55位參與者在展覽前參與黏土花朵創作的故事。展覽期間,觀眾亦也可加入這個平靜的交流中,坐下來與他們的創意精神相遇,並讓塑造黐土舒緩的過程修復他們的心靈。隨著治癒的體驗愈多,花園也會繼續綻放。

Jasmine Lok is an artist and art teacher from Hong Kong who is deeply inspired by her faith. Her goal is to touch souls, influence lives, and through her painting, live painting, and handcrafting.

Jasmine started teaching young children art in 2012 as a  way to share her artistic passion. She places a strong emphasis on how art may help individuals experience positive influence in her art instruction and personal artwork. Through her interaction with her students and their unique perspectives on the creative process, Jasmine has begun to experiment with audience engagement in her recent works. She wants to explore the potential of interactive creative experiences by creating connections and encouraging involvement.

駱俊凝是一位來自香港的藝術家和藝術老師,她的創作受到基督教啟發。她希望透過繪畫、現場繪畫和手工藝製作給人們帶來安慰、鼓勵、勸勉、光明和希望。她從 2012 年開始以兒童藝術教育作為分享藝術熱情的另一種方式。在她的藝術指導和個人藝術作品中,她著重於人們如何透過藝術經歷產生正面的影響。受到與學生的互動和他們對創意過程的獨特觀點所啟發,在近期的作品中,駱俊凝開始嘗試透過與觀眾的互動進行實驗,她希望建立連結和鼓勵參與來探索互動性創意體驗的潛力。